November 28, 2011

Things are growing.

Yay!!! My Ang. didieri is finally doing something!
You should be able to see a few root-tips hidden around the sphag and leaves, and a new leaf. It hasn't done any in the leaf department since I have bought it, so I am excited to see it.

My Phal. lobbii with its' spike ever so slowly growing.

And, probably the highlight of my closet!
I know it doesn't look like much, but my Ctt. Jeweler's Gem (Ctt. Chit Chat x Soph. coccinea) has FINALLY started to show signs of blooming. This sheath has been there for a month or so, but in the past week, it has slowly been fattening! Not only is this sheath working on buds, but I have another sheath!!!
I AM SOO EXCITED!!! And, here is a teaser of what I am expecting!

The blooms were about an 1" NS (natural spread, or horizontal length), without any fragrance. Since this was the first blooming, the flower count was low, but due to the one side of the parentage, I am expecting a much better bloom count.

1 comment:

  1. Nice growing! Lobbii looks nice and healthy and there is a spike! I killed my new lobbii from TSG, probably it doesn't like being potted into moss. Now in process of getting new one and that one I will definitely mount.
