November 16, 2011

Bulbophyllum carunculatum v. sulawesi

Okay, so this is my Bulb. carunculatum v. sulawesi, on of the many Bulbos from Clouds. Since this was growing three separate growths in very different directions, I decided to divide and repot.

Here are all three divisions after I unpotted and got all the media out and divided. The one of the left is the one I am keeping, and the other two are up for trade.
Here are the two divisions up for trade.
A close up photo of the tradables.
And a picture of all of them happily potted up.

From what I have gathered on the internet and various other sources, Bulb. carunculatum v. sulawesi is a clumping, sequential stinker with yellow blooms and a warty, blood-red lip, with flowers similar in shape to species such as echinolabium. I actually found it on the Internet Orchids Species Photo Encyclopedia --> Bulb. carunculatum, IOSPE


  1. Cute bulbo, too bad it is a stinker :). All Clouds plants always have the nicest healthy roots...

  2. I am really looking forward to but sort of dreading its' first bloom. Excited that I can see the cool blooms and chase my brother with its' smelliness, and of course dreading it because it will otherwise be in my closet making it stinky!

  3. Very healthy and well-grown plant.

  4. Thanks Ron! Most of the credit goes to Cloud's. The only thing it has done in my care is start the three new growths.
