November 07, 2011

Bulbophyllum nymphopolitanum

   Here is one of the awesome Bulbos I got from Cloud's Orchids, Bulb. nymphopolitanum ('MileHigh' x 'Halcyon'). This was all one plant, but I decided to divide it, and this is what I ended up with. The plant on the far left is what I am keeping, one is already promised to a trade, so that leaves the other two that I am selling or can trade.


  1. I would like to trade. I will have bunch of small catts for trade in spring:
    luteola(I know it is in your most wanted),
    Little Mermaid 'Janet',
    Canhamiana and Blue Grotto.
    If you would want any of those for your bulbo, lets trade in spring through OrchidBoard.

  2. Done deal! I Totes want the C. luteola.
