November 07, 2011

Introduction to My Paradise!

    Hello, and welcome to my blog, Orchids in a Closet. I would like to first state that the inspiration to do this came from a member of the forum Orchid Board, orchideya, who also has a blog called Orchid Log. I loved the idea of an online journal of my orchid collection. Not only will this be full with pictures of my blooming 'chids, but also new arrivals, new growths, and even my first toddling steps in the world of hybridization. This is my sharing my orchids with you, letting you into another world that lies beyond the closet doors in my bedroom.

About Me

     Hey! My name is Cody, and I live in Saskatchewan, Canada. Since I was very young (which isn't long ago, I am only 16), I have always been passionate about science and learning. Plants and astronomy have always been my two main interests, with genetics, taxonomy, virology, and pathology holding my interest as well. I have been growing orchids for just over a year, and have since gone from 2 to close to 50. The thoughts of hybridizing with orchids transports me to another world, and I could lose myself thinking about hybridization and directions I could explore for hours! The main genera I grow are Phalaenopsis and Cattleya, with Bulbophyllum and some miscellaneous types thrown in there too. I do hope to eventually build a plants stand to go into my basement so I can grow cooler types such as Paphiopedilum, Pleurothallids, and cooler Oncidiums. I hope this blog and my sharing my experiences with my orchids helps push you in the direction of growing these wonderful jewels in the cacophony of plants that are out there.

1 comment:

  1. I am looking for some information on growing the dracula species if you have any info can you please contact me . Thank you
