November 24, 2011

NoID Phal.

*Slowly shuffling in to center stage* Ummm, so I know I'm not supposed to be attracted to NoIDs, but this one had a tag showing what nursery it's from, so I had hopes of getting an ID. It has been two weeks, I don't think I am going to be getting one though.
Here is the one poor flower that was hanging on. Out of a batch of 30 or so phals, this was the only one with a non-withered bloom.
Here it is with its' gigantic spike.
Four new sub-spikes developing.
This 'chid had some pretty good roots!
And here it is potted in fresh sphag.

1 comment:

  1. Very nice phal. Nothing wrong with no ids, I have few and they are very reliable bloomers, not to mention beautiful flowers
