I guess I'll just go in the order the pictures are on my Photobucket, so lets go!
Here is little Gelblieber 'Arianne' with its new spike getting longer and longer! If I'm not crazy, I would say this next bract that is growing has a bud underneath it, and if not, the next one has to have a bud!
Here is the biggest bud growing on my amboinensis 'Oriental'. It's killing me softly with its pretty decent speed in growing this bud, but I am anxious to see how the flowers look blooming out under my conditions.
Next is a new spike on my Vio Vio, something I wasn't quite expecting. I'm currently pondering what I want to pollinate it's first flowers with. I'll also be able to get some better pictures with the school camera! Of the three things poking out from the side of the stem, the new inflorescence is in the middle.
Here is my Kuntrarti Rarashati 'Copperstate' opening up its second bud, and the first one has already been pollinated. . . I'm crossing my finger's that it'll take. If not, I have a whole slew of pollen stored and pollen that is being mailed to me that I'll be able to pollinate this with. Since I'm talking about it, I'll also post the picture I got of the first flower with the D70.
Here is my Kingfisher's Princess making a brand new spike after the spike it started soon after I bought it stalled. . . or did it have it already when I got it. . . anyways, its old inflorescence is active again and I have this one coming, so once again, I'll be able to get some better pictures to share with you in a few months.
And because I like being difficult and having some randomness in the order and symmetry that I like, I thought I'd throw in the picture of my Yungho Gelb Canary now instead of following the order the pictures appear on my Photobucket! (I guess if I were actually to have completely followed that trend, the Yungho Gelb Canary and Kuntrarti Rarashati would have been posted first. . . anyways!)
So I've been slowly learning, and I have now been getting the light levels near perfect on the pictures. I was baffled at first as to why the pictures where appearing so dark when they looked wonderful on the camera's old. . . small. . . LCD screen. Well, it turns out it shows the images MUCH brighter than a normal screen does, so when I took these pictures, I made sure that it looked overexposed on the preview, and it turned out quite great! Another problem that I now face is the colour. I was using natural sunlight, a 6,400K 1,000W bulb, and smaller 2,400K CFL bulbs, plus the camera's flash, so I'm sure the white balance was about to have a heart attack set at auto. . . plus the colour rendition is still off on the teacher's Mac, so I don't know what I'm going to do. However, everything looks a thousand times better than the Rarashati Princess did before they got edited by my friend. Anyways, I'll quit with the talking (writing?) and get on to the pictures! (I realise that this is probably the longest single write-up I've done, but this blog is sort of like a diary, and this is how I'd really talk in real life, with smooth, rambling thoughts.) Oh yeah, the whole reason I decided to do the Yungho Gelb Canary 'Chin Yo' now is because I put Kingfisher's Princess pollen onto the open flower! See, gentle, rambling thoughts that do go on tangents! I'll stop talking (writing? Never sure which to say. . . or type. . .) now. PICTURES!
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WHAM!!!!!!! Extra large picture thrown in your face! You weren't expecting something other than a large, where you? |
Next is my Purple Martin 'K.S.', which is making a new spike, and its been tempting me with the tip of the older spike making it look like it will make some more buds. Once it blooms, I'll either be putting speciosa pollen on it to remake the hybrid that got into my Top 10, or put Yungho Gelb Canary 'Chin Yo' pollen on it to make something fun!! The new spike is sitting between the two new roots that are dead center in the picture.
Ahhhh, still a few left to go!! I thought I was almost done!!! (Lol, I just made a few spelling mistakes in these last few sentences, and if I posted these without correcting anything, it would make me look like a three year old! However, I have the ability to correct my grammar, and I pride myself in my (supposedly) perfect grammar! Did I just use brackets within brackets!?!? By golly I did! I was debating whether or not to use the ( ) again or [ ], but the square ones look. . . well. . . square. Not smooth and flowy like I am)
Here is my rockstar Hiroshima Tetratris that is rocking a new pod I set before I even removed the older one (which will be talked about next, even though it isn't in order. . . this trend is unsettling. . .). Plus, it is now making a second spike, which I was planning on putting speciosa pollen on, but I only have one set of pollina, so unless I only use half a pollina on my Purple Martin, I'll be at a conflict of interests. Well, dumb Photobucket isn't allowing me to rotate this picture, so this and the next plant will be on their sides.
And here is the pod that I took off to sow this Saturday, and by golly I am excited for it!!!!! It is the first step in my plans to make some novelty hybrids that are between 12.5% and 25% equestris, which will hopefully give me more compact plants with many blooms without the poor form or washed out colour equestris primaries tend to have. Well, not all equestris hybrids have that washed out colour, but a whole heck a lot of them turn solid colours into spots, which may be undesirable at times. So here is a picture of the pod! This thing is quite solid and hopefully jam packed with seeds!
This one has some fear attached to the excitement. Two friends and I all bought a lueddemanniana from the same vendor, and just a week or so ago, one of the two friends bloomed theirs, and it was definitely NOT a lueddemanniana, but rather an Ambomanniana (amboinensis x lueddemanniana). It's not like an Ambomanniana would be bad, but I bought the plant thinking it was a lueddemmanniana, not an Ambomanniana (I'm getting weary of typing those huge names!) The two things that give me hope are the fact that I bought the plant by mail a month or so before they show that they bought their's at, and that the owner said he has some real lueddemanniana in bloom at the moment. So there is still hope, and I guess I'll be finding out in a few months as I'm pretty sure I just found an inflorescence starting! It's kinda hard to see, but it's the small nubbin just right of dead center.
Here is a picture of my cornu-cervi 'Red' that I've never found the appropriate time to post, so seeing that I've already gone off on a few tangents, I'll go off on a tangent off of a tangent. . . Anyways, since I hate typing out cornu-cervi (I hate texting it even more), I'll make this short and post the picture of the flower. It has one spike, so I'm hoping come spring it'll get moving.
FINALLY, my last picture!!!! I decided to save the best and most exciting for last, so here it is!!!!!! TA-DAA!!!!
Here is a quick snap I got of MY VERY OWN FIRST FLASK!!!!!! This is my Penang Girl remake, and I currently have nothing I can use to show you both parents, and since I've already spent over an hour writing this thing up (and having troubles with dumb Photobucket), I'm not going to bother setting up links or pictures to the two parents. Pretty much the pod parent, venosa, was a plant that held one pod, became spidermite infested, and then got chucked after the pod finished. The pollen parent, which was donated to me, is a very soft pastel pink violacea, so I'm hoping to get some classical burnt orange Penang Girl out of this cross. Thankfully, both parents have decent form, so it'll be worth (hopefully) blooming them out to breed with them!
WOW!!!! That was definitely the most long winded post I've made so far. . . so much for not having much going on! Well, untill next time, see you later, and go buy yourself some Christmas 'chids if possible! Merry Christmas!!
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