November 07, 2011

Phalaenopsis speciosa v. christiana

   Okay, first off, this plant is commonly known as Phal. tetraspis 'C#1,' but it is now called Phal. speciosa v. christiana. When I bought this from Kingfisher Orchids, it had a total of nine spikes and subspikes, and as you can see, it is now working on #10, which is actually spike #5. It currently has two blooms, one of which I have pollinated with my Phal. Penang Girl, and the other one was a tad ugly, so no photos for you! I plan on pollinating it with pollen a friend from the US is donating to me, Phal. mannii 'Red Spider.' I hope they both work!


  1. Wow! Beautiful flower! As I understood - the red can be in random places on those. Can't wait for mine to bloom...

  2. Yep! It can range somewheres from almost all white to almost all red, and anywhere inbetween. It also has a nice sweet fragrance.

  3. Hey! Where can I get one? I live in Cairns, Australia...
